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by Susan Salo (See other books by author)
Publisher: Clean Run Productions
Edition: 2014 Paperback, 152 pages
ISBN: 9781892694355 Item: DTA455
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Summary: The Jumping Grid Workbook is a comprehensive reference for 20 of Susan Salo's jumping grids. In this workbook the grids are intended to give you a means of isolating the various aspects of jumping mechanics and allow time for your dog to practice jumping skills in a quiet, encouraging environment.
Price: $29.95 |
Expanded Description:
The jumping book that trainers have been asking for!
The Jumping Grid Workbook is a comprehensive reference for 20 of Susan Salo's jumping grids. The information for each grid includes an overview that explains why the grid is important and how it should be performed, how to set up the grid, jump spacing and height, use of the target, dog and handler starting positions, a detailed progression of the training stages for doing each grid with illustrations, problem solving ideas, suggestions on how much to practice the grid, proofing techniques, how to add handler motion, how to add handling (if appropriate for that grid), and grid variations (if any) that you can do.
The workbook also includes six lesson plans to guide you with creating your own jumping program for a new dog, a dog having jumping problems, a dog that needs tuning up before a big competition, or a dog that just needs regular maintenance work.
Since introducing her jumping program and making the DVDs, Susan has found that some dogs and handlers struggle to make the transition from foundation and advanced gridwork to adding motion and handling to their gridwork. With the addition of specific information on these subjects to each grid explanation, the Jumping Grid Workbook is designed to help people who are already familiar with the jumping program make this transition more easily.
While there is introductory information on the "anatomy" of a jump, the book does not go into the same depth on Susan's jumping theory as the DVDs. Ideally the workbook is used as a supplement to Susan's DVDs, but it can also be used on its own without the DVDs.
About Grid Work
Drills of some sort are a constant part of any athletic endeavor to maintain the reliability and precision of the skill sets required by the sport. In agility, jumping skills are no different than contact skills and weave pole entry skills—we must set aside time for the dogs to practice the skills separately from course and sequence work.
The grids in this workbook are intended to give you a means of isolating the various aspects of jumping mechanics and allow time for your dog to practice jumping skills in a quiet, encouraging environment. Practicing gridwork gives your dog an opportunity to focus on his jumping skills so he can develop understanding and confidence, and ultimately speed. It also aids in the development and maintenance of the muscles and core strength necessary for successful jumping.
All of the lines and patterns that are offered in this workbook will ultimately present themselves on agility courses in the form of straight lines, bending lines, and slices. As you teach your dog always to be looking ahead of where he is, he will begin to recognize these patterns no matter how they may be presented in the agility ring, and he will be able to confidently accomplish them with ease of motion. Patience and training time spent on gridwork will pay off in huge dividends later.
Susan Salo has over 35 years of experience in the world of show jumping as both a competitor and a professional trainer. She has ridden for many years with some of the nation's most noted horsemen including Gene Lewis, George Morris, and the late Jimmy Williams. Susan brings her extensive experience of combining speed with jumping to the sport of dog agility. She offers a unique perspective and knowledge of the mechanical aspects of jumping which, when properly applied, can create muscle memory and balance for the canine athlete. Not to be confused with handling seminars, her lessons and workshops focus entirely on the dog—building better jumping skills and instilling more confidence and speed. Training with Susan is an opportunity to develop your "eye" and witness dogs learning about balance, striding, and scope until jumping becomes effortless for them.
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